Sometimes in July, 1987, a seemingly insignificant event occurred unnoticed in the city of Akure, capital of Ondo state, Nigeria. In one of the evenings, four people gathered together in the living room of Deacon Felix Aderemi Adejumo for a service. It was the first ever to be held and conducted under the auspices of what is now known as Agape Christian Ministries Inc. The team comprised the founding couple, their mechanic and someone else. Like a mustard seed, Agape was planted; it germinated, grew and became a mighty tree with branches for the birds of heaven to make their nests therein. Thirty years ago, none of those present could have imagined what God had in mind for the budding ministry . . . how it would affect lives, bless people and shake nations. No one could have envisaged the wonders that would be unfolded and the mighty hand of God that would be revealed in the life of his chosen servant.
Agape did not just come about on the spur of the moment. It is a divine commission handed over to His Servant. The vision did not emanate from Akure nor was it conceived in 1987. Hear the Bishop’s own words: “THE whole vision that has now been christened “Agape Assembly” started specifically in 1983. After the message of the day in church, I was praying when the Lord lifted me up and revealed a number of things concerning the work of the Ministry to me: After this the Lord began to expose me to ministerial and managerial responsibilities both within and outside my church. This was to prune and prepare me for the great onslaught. In 1986, while interpreting for a man of God, the Lord ministered to me again specifically. The man of God made it clear that some people had been ordained for prosperity and would be sent to less urban areas for that is where their portion is. My spirit received this immediately, but little did I realize the gravity and magnitude of the work ahead’’.
In another vision that same year, I was pastoring a large assembly of believers. I had thought that I would have to assist in pastoring an existing, congregation of believers. But the Lord made it clear to me that I will be engaged in pioneering work. When the time was ripe, God spoke to me about my movement to Akure. And so in March 1987, after sessions of prayers and in-depth study of the word, I received the go ahead to proceed to Akure; my divine duty post”.
The man of God had doubts at the beginning. He felt he did not have what it takes to go into the ministry. But one day, the Lord showed him a vision where he saw an orange tree full of fruits, some ripe and some yet to ripe. The Lord showed him a particularly overripe fruit and asked him what he thought would happen to the fruit if not plucked. He replied that the fruit would drop and become rotten. And the Lord replied and said ‘’that is your life. If you choose not to do the assignment committed into your hands, your life will be useless’’. After this encounter, he ceased to resist the call. It was not easy to convince the wife either. Even though they have been actively involved in the work of the ministry in the church where they worshipped at Ibadan, it was not easy for Sister Funke to comprehend that God can call Bro. Felix into ministry. According to her, he was about the quietest brother in the fellowship. How can God call such a gentle brother? She said that she was skeptical when the husband shared the vision of the ministry with her because ‘he didn’t look like it’. Her words: ‘it’s not possible! I remember I called him twice even after we started and said ‘’Darling. You know we are used to serving, let’s go and join the Church of God Mission or The Assemblies of God. Because I didn’t want any disgrace at all. But he would say ‘’But God called me’’. I didn’t understand then but I do now’.
Before going into the Ministry, Rev. Adejumo, a graduate of Geography from the University of Ibadan, had a track record of working experience. Like in all other places where he worked, Bro. Felix demonstrated a high sense of diligence, dedication, commitment and loyalty in the performance of his duties at Akin-Neon Nig. Ltd. Ibadan. In consonance with God’s counsel, the, Chairman of this organization noticed these virtues in Bro. Felix and therefore penciled his name as the manager of the branch to be opened in Akure. Having been informed, Bro. Adejumo told his wife of the new development. If he expected a congratulatory kiss or hugs that day, he was wrong. To young ‘Funke who had lived virtually all her life in Ibadan and was just three years old in marriage, the idea of living in Akure was a terrible blow to her dreams. Explaining her feelings Mrs. Adejumo said “then I did not know God as much as I know Him now and the stories at that time about Ondo State generally were not very encouraging.” This was the state of her mind until few days later as she was reading a book on marriage, she came across a paragraph where a question was asked” … If your husband comes home to announce his transfer to a more rural place than where you live now, how would you react? … ” . According to her she got the message immediately. It was one of the ways God speaks to her. She broke down in tears submitting to the will of the Lord and asked for the grace to pull through. She could not wait to share her experience with her husband who was very happy about the turn of events. Bro. Adejumo moved to Akure in March 1987 and spent three solid months praying and seeking God’s face about His purpose and plan. Those three months were actually spent travailing and giving birth to the vision. He was joined three months later by his wife and two children. Mrs. Adejumo got a job at Victory Nursery and Primary School as a teacher. This was another evidence of divine direction as she was sent like John the Baptist “to prepare the way” in the school for the church that was to take off the following year; though this was not known at that time.
IN July 1987, the seed of Agape Christian Ministries was planted in the form of a house fellowship. It started with four people in the living room of the Adejumos. “Where two or three are gathered …” was their motto then. As the people gathered by 6:00 pm. every Wednesday, God proved Himself faithful. Soon the membership increased to about fifteen having been joined by some NYSC members. At this point it became obvious that they needed a more convenient place of worship. The living room had become too small for the growing fellowship. The Lord provided one Doctor Abiola, an Optometrist who offered his clinic for use. This divine provision eased the burden of the fellowship greatly.
THE movement of the fellowship to Morah Eye Clinic solved two immediate problems that were faced at the living room of the Adejumo’s: space and seats. The clinic was larger, in fact too large for a congregation oscillating between fifteen and twenty at full house and the seats were more than enough. Ironically, this provision posed one of the first major challenges to the fellowship and serious prayers and intercessions were made for more souls to be won as the empty seats outnumbered the people. According to one of the pioneering members, it was challenging to see the small congregation and the many empty seats, “it was not easy but we were not discouraged”, she said. The zeal and commitment exhibited by the founding members was amazing. For instance, Mrs. Apata was a student at the Ibadan Polytechnic then, but she was always available to assist Rev. & Mrs. Adejumo. All hands were on deck for all assignments. They would pray, usher, decorate and sweep the church. Mrs. Adejumo admitted that she could not comprehend how Mrs. Apata was able to do all that she did – traveling to and from Ibadan every week – and at the end to have passed out in flying colors. Only God, she said, could have made it happen as part of her reward for faithful service.
This was the firm where Bro. Adejumo was the manager. The fellowship moved when Morah ‘Clinic relocated to a more distant place for commercial purposes. The fellowship was held along a narrow passage that runs through the first floor of the building. The passage soon proved to be very inadequate and inconvenient as prayers were constantly being interrupted by passers-by for whom members had to stand up so they could pass. An Akure High Chief, Pa Oluwaleimu, admits that he could not believe the phenomenal growth of the fellowship which by divine chance he happened to know at Lithoprints Supplies Ltd. The Chief was alluding to a night when responding to the touch of God, he personally gave two lit candles to the fellowship ‘when there was a power cut. As God would have it, (Chief Oluwaleimu’s wife is one of the first set of ordained Ministers in the church. At eighty plus, she is fondly referred to as the “youngest” pastor in Agape. The first set of musical instruments was bought about this time. It comprised of a sekere and tambourine. A microphone was also purchased that year. It was making melody all the way. The flexible pattern by which direction was given by the Holy Spirit right from those early days remains a great asset to the Ministry. Rev. Adejumo used to and still breaks the word with such clarity and simplicity which only divine knowledge and understanding could permit or accomplish. He is also a doer of the word, and an embodiment and example of what he preaches. His message could be encapsulated in Phil. 4:8-9. Little wonder therefore that his teachings and the life have been of tremendous positive influence on faith development among the people that have come in contact with him. One of such people was a vicar of the Anglican Church who was ill at the time he was introduced to Bro Adejumo who laid hands and prayed on him. The man was healed and in appreciation to God he used his connection to secure a classroom in Oyemekun Grammar School, Akure where the fellowship moved to from the narrow passage of Lithoprints’ Office. The significant thing about the sojourn in the fellowship in the school is that it was there that Bro Felix announced the vision to start a church. By this time the proprietress of Victory Nursery and Primary School had testified to the loyalty; dedication and hard work of Mrs Adejumo. She did not hesitate in granting permission for the new church; Agape Christian Assembly to take off in her school on the 7th of August, 1988.
Services took place in one of the classrooms which eventually turned out to be too small for the growing church. Many people had to sit outside and the rain and the sun took their turns to inconvenient them. The inaugural’ Sunday Service took place or August 7, 1988. Promotional jingles, handbills and banner were used to advertise the service. It was a very colorful one with the Trinity in attendance. God’s hand moved mightily in the midst of His people. The church started to experience membership explosion. In December, 1989, a bigger hall was secured at No. 47, Oluwatuyi Quarters and the church with gratitude to God moved from Victory Nursery “school. Chief (Mrs) Alade was quite accommodating and kind, we pray the Lord to keep on lifting her. It is pertinent to say at this juncture that the progress of the church was achieved by the mercy and grace of the Almighty God and also by dint of hard work and absolute commitment to the way and service of the Lord. But then success comes with envy and jealousy. The Adejumos and Agape Christian Assembly had their fair share as persecutors called them names; some called them a “mushroom church” to which a brother once replied “Agape is a Palm Tree Church”. Others were particularly irked by and questioned the authority of Rev. (Mrs.) Adejumo – a woman, as a preacher. Was Apostle Paul not specific enough in his letter to the Corinthians that “let your women keep silent in the church…”? They would ask. Asked to comment on this phase of the Ministry’s life, the Adejumos are full of gratitude to God, their justifier, ‘who upheld and strengthened them with His grace and courage to overcome the persecutions and who despite the cat-calls and discouraging remarks, moved them from one level of glory to another. “We have learnt as athletes not to look sideways at distractions called spectators. We were not disturbed as we encouraged each other. We were and still are not looking for the praises of men, rather we focus on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith and we keep pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
The high point of the Victory School days was the celebration of the first year Anniversary of the Church from August 5 – 12 1989. This was climaxed by the ordination of Pastor Adejumo and his wife on Saturday, the 12th of August, 1989 as ministers of God. The anniversary was celebrated with pomp, praise and gratitude. Dr. Francis ‘Wale Oke was the guest speaker and Mrs. Toun Soetan was the guest music minister. The ordination opened a new chapter in the Ministry of Rev. Adejumo and brought in its wake a deluge of the anointing. Ministering on that day, Bishop Francis wale Oke waxed prophetic. He used Isaiah 42:1-4 as his base scripture. “Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is my chosen one, and I am pleased with him. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will reveal justice to the nations. He will be gentle—he will not shout or raise his voice in public. He will not crush those who are weak or quench the smallest hope. He will bring full justice to all who have been wronged. He will not stop until truth and righteousness prevail throughout the earth. Even distant lands beyond the sea will wait for his instruction.” The Man of God related this scripture to Bishop Adejumo. He said God chooses His servants carefully and reiterated that not all preachers are qualified to be called servants of God. He enjoined the newly ordained minister to continue to see himself as God’s servant and not the servant of man or a master in his own right. He said Rev. Adejumo belongs to the core of people God was raising this end time as His battle axe. Such men, he explained ‘’shall march through the length and breadth of this land as a flame of fire, and they are the ones whose hearts are perfect towards God’’. He recognized the mark of divine approval upon the servant of God, and prophesied that Rev. Adejumo shall be one of God’s champions. He assured the servant of God that the anointing shall speak for itself at all times. He urged him not to exercise any fear as the One who called shall remain steadfast and faithful to the called and the calling. He concluded on a note of prophecy saying: ‘’God has found you faithful to commit this heavy responsibility into your hands. Remain in God’s favor. You must put yourself in a position where God can look at you and say I’m pleased with you. . . you shall not fail. You shall not be discouraged. Your mission shall be accomplished. You shall get to your destination. Faithful is God that called you. He will sustain you with His strength’’ Till date, God has been faithful to His word. His hand has been visible upon the Man of God, his wife and the ministry. The ministry had witnessed tremendous growth and development. Twenty five years on, the ministry has branches in several states of the federation with impact across the globe. A consistent statement in Agape is that ‘’truly God is good to Agape’’, (Psalm 73:1). Commenting on the journey so far, the bishop says it has been God all along. Hear him: ‘’God has indeed been good to Agape. When we started, even though we had assurances of God’s faithfulness, little did we know that what He had in stock were as great as what we have witnessed over the years. The story of Agape is the story of G-O-D i.e. Grace On Duty. It has been by His grace and nothing more. We are not sufficient in ourselves. Rather our sufficiency is of God. He has been our help and succor these few years. It has been good because it has been God. We are just receivers not achievers. We are indeed a people helped by God’’.
The ordination of Rev. and Rev. Mrs. Felix Adejumo into ministry in August 12 1988 had dispelled any doubts remaining that Agape Christian Assembly has come to stay. From that day, the Adejumos concentrated on growing the ministry. Due to God’s faithfulness, people started to flock into the church and in a few months, it became increasingly clear that the classroom at Victory Nursery School, Akure, was becoming too small to contain the crowd. Thus, it behooved on the couple to scout for a larger and more befitting place for the church. Eventually, a building was located at just a stone’s throw to the Victory Nursery School site of the church. It was a two Storey Office/Shopping Complex at 47 Oluwatuyi Quarters. The Church initially rented the 2nd floor which was an open hall for services and later took one of the offices on first floor for the church secretariat. Thus, in December, 1989 three years after take-off as a fellowship and four years as a church, Agape Christian Assembly had a place it could call its own albeit a rented Apartment. From this place, the church structure began to take shape. Thus by 1992, when the first branch was opened at Owo, about fifty kilometers to Akure, the church could be said to be firmly established as a vibrant and growing church. By then, it has become a phenomenon in Akure and environs. The Agape name has become a household one and members a distinct force to be reckoned with in Christian Circles in the then Ondo State. The movement of the church to 47, Oluwatuyi Quarters in December 1989, was a watershed in the life and growth of the Ministry. It was from here that the Ministry began to take on the shape and form which thirty years later has become the Agape story. Like Isaac in Rehoboth God gave Agape much room, there so much that till date, years after the church vacated the promises, 47 Oluwatuyi Quarters is still referred to as Agape. It was at 47 Oluwatuyi quarters that the administrative arm of the Church took off. The same goes for the training arm of the ministry as well as other arms and departments which together make the Agape Church an enigma it is today in the land.
At take-off, the Secretariat occupied the first floor of the building. Revd. and Mrs. Adejumo brought into the work. of the Ministry a great deal of zeal, conviction and purposeful leadership. To them, excellence must be put into whatever you do. Their life is an example of discipline, hard work; resourcefulness and profitability. Officially, the secretariat opens Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4p.m., but the truth is that closing time is often as late as 9p.m. or even much later especially when there are special programs. The opening of the secretariat ensured a neat and more efficient control of the various aspects of the Ministry under the centralized control of the Reverend. It also led to better coordination of policy planning, formulation and execution. The structure that emerged from the new dispensation was (and still is) one that puts, specific items and duties in specific departments that were created, each with a head that is responsible’ directly to the president of the Ministry. Some of the departments are The Royal Women Fellowship which is the body of all Agape women, the Mighty Men of Valor Fellowship for men, the Children’s department, Youth Fellowship, King’s Vessels (Agape Teenagers), Music, Publications, Welfare, Prayer Band, Protocol etc. The collective efforts of these departments and the cooperation of the leaders have been greatly responsible for the great strides the church has made.
After the firm establishment of the church on a sound footing, fellowships began to be established to cater for and Minister to target groups. The first was the Royal Women Fellowship International (ROWFI) which took off in 1992 with the aim of giving the women a second touch. According to Mama Funke, the ROWFI is an integral part of her Ministry to touch womanhood and liberate them from the Clutches of devil, tradition and poverty. She is the President General. Each branch church has its set of executives while there are Regional Co-coordinators (mummies) reporting to the National President. The ROWFI Annual Convention now holding every March is a combination of spiritual jamboree and feminine display of God’s glory. There are trophies to be won by branches for different outstanding performance. Testimonies abound of the blessings of God to homes through the Ministry of ROWFI. The men’s fellowship took off in 1993 under the name of Mighty Men of Valor. It’s motto taken from 1Kings 2 Verse 2 is “Be strong therefore and prove thyself a man“. While inaugurating the first set of executives under the leadership of Deacon ‘Segun Idahor (now Regional Head Pastor, Oyo State), the Bishop said the fellowship is an outreach arm of the church expected to minister to men within and attract those outside the church. The Bishop is the Patron while the day-to-day activity of the fellowship is presided over by a National Executive Council drawn from across the branches. Each branch has a president and executives. The fellowship holds its annual convention in June. In the last few years, the convention assumed international dimension with Guest Ministers from Africa and Europe. The emphasis is to let men wake up to the fact that they are pillars-in the Kingdom. The Youth Fellowship comprising of single brothers and sisters evolved over time. It is a vibrant – fellowship in church. Like others, it has its own National Officers and branch executives. It holds regular services in most branches and converging once a year at the Youth Convention where seasoned men and women of God minister to them. The Youth receive special attention because, according to the bishop, they are the future of Agape. Goldfish, they say, has no hiding place. All over the place, wherever ‘the Possibilitarians (as members of the church are called)’ find themselves they are easily distinguished, just as the early Christians, by their exemplary conduct, honesty, decency and high sense of responsibility. They are seen as a very caring and loving people,’ happy, and at peace, with themselves and those around them.
This is the training arm of the Agape Ministries where men and women are being trained to stand out and boldly take responsibilities God gives to them both spiritually and secularly. The curriculum of Agape Ministerial Institute is directed towards building a total man by dealing with the three spheres of man (Spirit, Soul and Body) I Thess. 5:23. The idea of starting Agape Ministerial Institute was borne out of the vision of the man of God to have mission stations requiring men of vision and mission to take charge. The pioneering students of Agape Ministerial Institute matriculated on 8th October, 1991, with Rev. (Mrs) ‘Funke Adejumo as the Director of Studies at no. 47, Oluwatuyi Quarters, Akure. To the glory of God, the Institute has consistently operated these programs as men and women have been tried in His furnace and came out pure as gold. To date, God has produced able Ministers of the New Testament at, every session of the Agape Ministerial Institute. Men and women from within and outside the ministry have passed through institute and were all baptized with the vision of taking the world for Jesus. The AMI now has campuses in Ado Ekiti, Owo, Ibadan and Lagos, among others.
From 47, Oluwatuyi Quarters, the ministry began to grow. Like the proverbial mustard seed, the church has become a mighty tree providing refuge for the birds of the air. There first began a programme of identification and systematic training of potential leaders who could assist the pioneer – couple in the work of the ministry. Those who allowed themselves to be trained and who proved out began to have commitments handed to them. Very soon, those who proved out were singled out for elevation. Thus on 18th January, 1991, fourteen members of the church were ordained as deacons and deaconesses. Of this number, five were ordained much later on 17th May 1992 ‘as Pastors. This ordination marked a turning point in the life of the ministry. Those ordained had to be empowered and sent out for the work. Thus, Owo branch was opened on July 6 1992. This was followed by the branch at Oyemekun road, Akure on 23rd August, 1992. Later, the Ondo branch and Oke Aro branch took off. In December, 1994, the church took a bold step by stepping out of its enclave in Ondo State by planting the Lagos church. From that moment, it has been a success story. Besides Ondo State, the church now has branches in other states of the federation like Ekiti, Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Rivers, Edo, Akwa-Ibom and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. God has indeed been faithful.
From 47, Oluwatuyi Quarters, the ministry began to grow. Like the proverbial mustard seed, the church has become a mighty tree providing refuge for the birds of the air. The first mission station outside the Oluwatuyi Church was opened on July 6 1992 at Owo with Pastor Benson Olaluyi as the Pioneer Minister. According to him, Church started with membership strength of nine. On take off, the church faced enormous challenges prominent among which were traditions and festivals as well as idol worship, religion, alcoholism and Islamic spirit. To the glory of God, the word prevailed and the glorious light the gospel lightened up the dark places. Today, the church is firmly established in the town. It now has three other vibrant branches in the town. As a region, it has its headquarters building called the Miracle Cathedral at a prominent place in town. The work in Ondo began on 23rd June 1993. As was the case with Owo, a Pastor was seconded from Akure to start the work. Pastor Dare Olatunde and wife earlier assisted Pastor and Mrs. Olaluyi at Owo. The first problem encountered was that of accommodation. In the first year, the Church moved to three different locations until its present site. Over the years, the faithfulness of God prevailed over the tradition’s men and the spirit of pride. As of today, the Church Ondo boasts of well entrenched membership made of quality citizens. To the glory of God, the Church acquired the building it was occupying late 2008 while work is almost concluded on another building which would serve as the headquarter of the region. In December 1994, the apostolic train moved outside the confines of Ondo State to the nation’s economic capital, Lagos. What is now called Agape Christian Assembly, Ejigbo, today was inaugurated on 18th December 1994 in a warehouse situated at No 32/31 Ifoshi Road, Ejigbo, hosted by Pastor Bola Bello. Pastor Ayo Apata was the pioneer and resident Pastor that God used to break the ground and water the seed of the work in this community. The inaugural service was conducted by his Lordship; the Bishop and Mama Felix ‘Remi Adejumo. In attendance on that day were the Pioneer pastor and ten other worshippers. Very soon, the seed sown by His Lordship germinated and began to grow through thick and thin. The major challenge was that the church was relatively unknown to the Lagos community. But gradually, the calling began to speak and the church was stabilized. Today, there are three branches of the church in the Lagos environment with two of them occupying their own property. On July 16 1995, the Mission Train moved to Ibadan, Oyo State Capital. As usual, Bishop Felix Adejumo led the team that handled the work. Pastor and Mrs. David Odewumi were the pioneering Ministers. The branch church took off in Orita-Challenge but had to move in 1998 to Molete from where it acquired and began building its own permanent site which was dedicated in July, 2009 under the leadership of Pastors Segun and Lola Idahor.. The Church at Ibadan had continued to grow from glory to glory. In view of increase in membership strength, another branch opened in Okebola, Ibadan in July, 2011. Before then, the church had established a branch in Ijebu-Ode in neighboring Ogun State. In terms of infrastructure, it has a property for its educational project termed Possibility Academy. Meanwhile, a building is under construction at Odoona Elewe in another part of the town in anticipation of the take-off of another branch. In March, 2008, the church in Oshogbo, the capital of Osun State took off. This particular church was a home coming of sorts to the bishop. It was his home state and the church was just a few kilometers to his home town. The opening was unique as it was witnessed by more than ninety percent of Agape pastors. The Pastors’ Retreat was holding at Ororuwo that same Easter weekend. It was from that retreat that the train moved to Ikirun Road, Oshogbo to plant the church. It was a glorious service witnessed by a sizable crowd of attendees. Evangelist Tope Alabi ministered in music for the two-day duration. The church was formally inaugurated on Sunday, 23rd March, 2008 with John Ayedun as Resident Pastor. The Church in Ado-Ekiti took off on 14th February, 1997 with Pastors Olusesan & Modupe Alabi as Pioneer Ministers. The first challenge was that of religious orthodoxy. The people were not used to the church’s brand of Pentecostalism. But gradually the Spirit of the Lord took control and membership grew steadily to the extent that two years after take-off, the church opened another branch at Ajilosun, Ado- Ekiti with Pastor & Mrs. Shola Folorunso in charge. As at date, the Church has four branches in Ekiti State while there are Campus Fellowships in the Tertiary Institutions around. Ekiti became a region in 2006 with Pastor Folorunso as the Head Pastor. In terms of physical development, the region now boasts of three state of the art worship centers, while plans are in the offing to spread to other towns in Ekiti. In faraway Port Harcourt, the first church, Lily of the valley branch church started in a house garage in 1998 with a population of eight at Nom Street, Woji Town. According to Papa’s vision that a branch church could give birth to another after three years of age, the church took steps of faith under this vision to establish other Agape churches in the state and environs. To date, these include the Lily of the valley branch situated at No. 116, Woji town, Port Harcourt; the Light House Branch established on January 2004 at No.2 Old Aba Road, Amadi Estate, Behind Mobil Filling Station, Rumuokwurusi, Port Harcourt. Others are the Possibility Branch Church established on January 2006 at Agape Close, Off Alcon, New Slaughter Rd, Behind MTN Mast, Woji Town, Port Harcourt, Akwa-Ibom branch church started on February 2008 at No.7 One Way, Off Aka Etina, Iyo, Akwa Ibom and Umuahia branch in Abia State. Meanwhile, plans are afoot to send missionaries to Bayelsa and other neighboring states. The nation’s capital, Abuja is not left out of the Possibility train. In 2007, the church in Abuja took off with Pastor Amadi as the pioneering Pastor. After his relocation by reason of work, the Regional Overseer, Pastor Ayo Apata took charge for a while until Pastor Innocent Okuku took over. Despite the initial hiccups in take-off occasioned by instability in pastorate, the church is now stabilized with membership strength growing steadily. The work in Akure did not stop with expansion to other parts of the nation. Akure churches remain vibrant with more branches being opened. As at time of report, besides the Headquarter Church at the Possibility Ground, there are at least ten other branches. The church continues to grow on a daily basis as well as wax stronger and stronger. Virtually all the branches in Akure now occupy their own properties or are on the verge of constructing one. Meanwhile the main ministry has purchased a large expanse of land for the Possibility City and another for its educational projects due to take off soon. The church indeed is marching on.
Despite the planting of other branch churches in Akure metropolis, the mother church in Oluwatuyi Quarters continued to grow in leaps and bounds. It soon became obvious that the hall was becoming too small for the growing church especially when there were joint services. Being a visionary, the Bishop scouted for and secured a 1.8 hectares piece of land along Ilesha Road, Akure for the Headquarters of the ministry. The foundation stone of what later became the Possibility Cathedral was laid on March 28, 1992. On hand to perform the historic assignment were two of the mentors of the Adejumos, Bishop David Oyedepo of the Living Faith Ministries and Bishop Francis Wale Oke of the Sword of the Spirit Ministries. By dint of hard work and doggedness, the building began to rise and by July 30, 1994, it was roofed on time to host the sixth Annual Convention commencing the following day. The Possibility Ground church, now the Headquarter took off after that Convention. From that humble, uncompleted building, the Possibility Ground today boasts of a befitting Auditorium, Youth Church, Secretariat Complex and Bookshop. That first building had undergone lots of expansion and restructuring. It has been pulled down and rebuilt countless times. Today, it is a cross shaped 5,000-seater auditorium. Without pillars in such a water-logged environment, the building has become a major attraction in the land. As in all matters, God has shown His faithfulness to Agape in property development. Since 1994, it has been a beautiful story as one branch after the other began to acquire and develop properties. The Bishop calls it a phase in the Ministry. According to him the church is building now in anticipation of the “sea of heads” to come. As of date, more than sixty percent of the branches are either occupying their own properties or have started developing theirs. To God indeed is the glory. Meanwhile, in the process of time, other structures began to spring up for the church.
Meanwhile, in the process of time the Adejumos continued to grow steadily in faith. As God backs them up by confirming their ministry, recognition began to come from men. As they consistently and faithfully served at their duty posts, the great God of Agape began to lift and honor them. Thus, in 1998, they were honored with doctorate degrees (Honoras Causa) in Divinity by Faith University Benin in conjunction with Oral Robert’s University. When God honors a man, men have no choice but to honor such a person. The bishop and his wife had really labored and God has continued to honor them at home and abroad. They have been recipients of the “Best Couple in Ondo State” Award at a time. For some time, the Man of God was the Ondo State President of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN). The culmination of these series of honor was the consecration of Rev. (Dr) Felix Aderemi Adejumo as the Bishop of Agape Christian Ministries Worldwide on 131h November,1999. That beautiful Saturday morning was a day that will forever be fresh in the memories of the Possibilitarians. The glory of the Lord came down and filled the house as Bishop David O. Oyedepo led ten other Bishops like Bishop Wale Oke, Bishop Margret Benson-Idahosa and Titus Gbenga-David among others in a service that was first of its kind in Agape. The crowd was unprecedented. It was indeed a “celebration of grace” as the occasion was aptly tagged. It was an idea whose time has come. By then, the church membership had continued to grow while the number of ordained stewards was now in hundreds. The branch network was cutting across several states of the federation. While announcing the impending consecration, the Bishop told the church that it was not a title but a call to higher spiritual service. He also explained that the consecration was for better administration of the fast-growing church. This view was to be confirmed in a message by the Presiding Bishop at the occasion, Dr. David 0 Oyedepo who said that the consecration was part of the move of the Holy Ghost to set order in the body of Christ. He said when things are set in order in the church; the Holy Spirit is given the right of way to move more than he had ever done before.
We are a church of POSSIBILTARIANS; building a virile and militant army with a possibility mentality.
1 Agape Avenue, Akure
Ondo State, Nigeria
Copyright © 2025 AGAPE MINISTRIES