John 13:12-15
If you read our text from verse one, you will see practical demonstration of leadership with humility. The Lord Jesus stooped low to wash the disciples’ feet. His attitude illustrates the doctrine of a servant-leader. For you to go up, you have to have and exhibit the qualities of a servant. He told the disciples in another instance that those who aspire to rule must have child-like humility. They should be servants. For believers, the way up is down.
Whatever your position, in leadership, you have to stoop before you can conquer. The demonstration by Jesus here is instructive. If you must lead, become like a servant. This is not contradictory but paradoxical.
You must imbibe the attributes of a servant. Humility must be your watch word. Don’t look down at your people from “high up”. Rather, stoop to their level. Identify with them. Let them know that they are valued. Interact. Carry them along in your decision making process. Don’t force yourself on your servants. Let them follow you in love and not by cohesion. Lead from the front. Empathize with them in their troubles and challenging moments. Let their testimonies be your testimony. Lift as much as you can. Let their issues become “your issues”. Very soon, you will see them voluntarily following you.
Avoid foolish pride. Avoid dictatorship. Treat men as men. Dignify your people. Honour them. Affirm and validate them. Let them know that they count. Go the way of the Lord Jesus. He was so much in tandem with his servants that when the soldiers came to arrest him, they could not identify him. Don’t be that high up and you don’t know what your subordinates are going through in following you. Be blessed.
PRAYER! Lord help me in humility and all I need for the top.