John 3:1-16
Salvation means being saved from danger or from the power of evil. It is an act of redemption. In other words, everyone must pass through this process to become a true child of God. Romans 3:23 reminds us that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
The passage of John 3:16 is one of the most read passages of the Bible on salvation. Many believers and preachers engage this passage on the matters of soul winning and evangelism. It is often times, the very first point of approach to unbelievers, which is to present to them the provision of God towards mankind. God’s promise of salvation has been extended to all and sundry provided man himself is willing to accept God’s extended arms of love towards Him.
The passage records God’s unconditional and unfailing love towards man in giving out His only and begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that he (man) can be redeemed and reconciled to God. The offer of accepting Jesus Christ comes from the heart through believing that He died and has been raised; as well as confessing with one’s mouth that He is the Son of God, Rom 10:9-10. The onus therefore lies on every individual to perceive Jesus Christ as a personality encumbered with so great a love that He was willing to set apart His glory above for the sake of sinful men. He went through the painful, ignoble death on the cross of Calvary, having being despised, rejected and ridiculed by men.
God is neither partial nor biased about our culture, language, religion, practices, or tribe, but expects that all come to repentance so as to avoid eternal damnation and peril. Make it a point of duty today to see Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour and gladly welcome Him into your heart so that you will not perish; also make it a point of duty to share the goodness about the salvation that belief in Christ brings to all.
We all need to be saved because:
- We were all born in sin, Psalm 51:5.
- All sinned through Adam, Romans 5:12.
- If you claim to be without sin, you deceive yourself and even make God a liar, 1 John 1: 8-10.
- Jesus the good shepherd laid down his life for the sheep, John 10: 14-15.
Prayer: LORD thank you that you do not discriminate or segregate. I repent of all my crooked and sinful ways. I ask that you come into my heart and be the Lord and Saviour of my life. I dedicate and surrender my life to you today.