2 Thess. 1:3
Growth is inevitable in the life of every living creature. However, the level of growth differs from one to another. When an individual is not growing the way he/she should, it becomes a source of concern and such an individual is said to have a stunted growth.
As believers and children of God, our growth is not expected to be stunted. This is not the will of God for our lives. Jesus Christ, our perfect example was reported in Luke 2:52 that He increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. It is expected that as we mature(grow) physically, we should also grow spiritually which is evident in our faith, trust and belief in God.
For the purpose of clarity, growth connotes increase, development, addition, to become bigger and have quality over time. Even though physical growth is a natural phenomenon, certain things must be in place for its occurrence such as good nourishment, conducive environment, good care etc. so also for spiritual growth to occur i.e. for us to grow in faith, certain things must be in place in our lives. These include having an encounter with Christ (we must first of all be born again; constantly studying the word of God; living in obedience to God’s instructions and fellowship with other believers.
When we do all this, it is expected that our growth in faith will be inevitable. One litmus test to the level of our faith is when we are faced with challenges. Prov. 24: 10 tells us that if we faint in the day of adversity, our strength (i.e. our faith) is small. We must grow in faith to overcome challenges of life.
Memory verse: Rom. 10: 17.