HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD John 10:1-5, 14, 27 God speaks in diverse ways, and it is the responsibility of man to discover how best God communicates with him simply because God is not a talkative. Intimacy with God births easy
HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD John 10:1-5, 14, 27 God speaks in diverse ways, and it is the responsibility of man to discover how best God communicates with him simply because God is not a talkative. Intimacy with God births easy
GOD’S PROMISES TO DIRECT US Proverbs 3:5, Isaiah 30:21 There is no arguing the fact that we undergo challenging situations on a regular basis, and in most cases, are usually found on the edge of decision making. In such cases, several
FIX YOUR GAZE ON JESUS Heb 12:1-2, John 14:1, 27 It is part of our reality that we are greatly weighed down by many burdens: weights and yokes on our shoulders, academic challenges, financial difficulties, marital problems, lack of peace etc.
BE DELIVERED FROM SELFISHNESS Luke 12:13-32 People who live selfishly cannot do God’s will. God expects us to be selfless and unselfish. He expects us to pour out our lives to bless others daily. Our lives are as valuable as the
THE ANTIDOTE OF FEAR IS LOVE 2 Timothy 1:7; Psalm 34:4 Isaiah 42: 4 makes it clear that we are not programmed for failure; this verse of scripture asserts that, ‘He shall not fail nor be discouraged….’ God has given us
THE WEAPON OF OUR WARFARE: THE SHIELD OF FAITH Ephesians 6:10-18 Many Christians have reduced faith to some empty confessions. They just verbalise phrases like “I am strong” when they are sick or “I am rich” when their account balance is
THE LORD IS OUR DELIVERER Esther 3:1-14; Esther 4:14 We are often faced with issues and challenges in life that threaten our faith in God, but it is important to have firm faith in him and trust in God in every
JESUS CHRIST, OUR FAITHFUL HIGH PRIEST Hebrews 5: 1-7; Hebrews 8:1-6 Many times, Christians fail to understand that the order of priesthood we were called to has changed. We still relate with Christ as if He is a priest in the
AVOIDING SLOTHFULNESS I Thessalonians 4: 11-12 Slothfulness, indolence or laziness is sin. The indolent or lazy man can never reach his goal neither can he ever fulfill destiny. God desires that we do our own business, work with our hands, and
Isaiah 12: 2 The Prophet Habakkuk asked God some rather tough questions that we also ask Him these days. We live in times when we also ask questions on issues such as: violence, injustice, sin, wickedness, destruction, and unfairness etc. The
We are a church of POSSIBILTARIANS; building a virile and militant army with a possibility mentality.
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Ondo State, Nigeria
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