January 5, 2025

2 Corinthians 8: 1-9

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich 2 Corinthians 8:9.

The above is among the most quoted scriptures in Christendom these days.  We quote it without ruminating on its contradictions.   If a rich man becomes poor, how can he make others rich? If he gives all his riches to the poor, will that make them rich?  Will they not squander it?  Do the poor have the know-how to maintain riches?  We know fully well the poor remain poor majorly because of ignorance.  Remember the prodigal son?  He left home with riches but soon squandered it because he did not have the knowhow to keep and grow riches.

This is another paradox of our faith.  Jesus was rich.  For our sakes he became poor!  In his poverty is our riches!  Contradictory but true.  When our Lord was leaving, he did not write a will bestowing gold, silver, diamond, dollars, and pound sterling unto us.  Rather he died empty.  On the cross, they even stripped him of his cloths.  The soldiers took it all.  He did not bequeath us any business concern nor landed property.  Unlike Abraham, he did not leave flocks of cattle, goats, sheep etc.

            What then did he leave us that would make us rich?  What is our inheritance in him?  He gave his word.  His word is fully equipped to enrich, heal, guide, protect and help us in every endeavor in life.  He gave gifts to men.  He gave us peace and assurances of the world to come.  In his word and promises are embedded divine principles that can enrich and increase our wealth.  He gave us the principles of sowing and reaping in many sayings and parables.  He taught us enterprise.  He showed us the wealth in Agric-business.  He guides us in intellectual acquisition and marketing.

Mention any principle you need to excel in life and destiny, you will find it in his sayings.  He poured out everything for us.  Then he sent the Holy Ghost to us to remind us all he taught us and to guide us in all things.  This is his poverty. He died empty not keeping anything back. This is our riches.  It is a very beautiful paradox.  With Jesus and the Holy Ghost, no believer should remain poor.  All you need is knowledge.  When you get knowledge, you get understanding.  Then you get wisdom.  Then you discover your wealth in his word. 

MEDITATION:  He became poor so I can be rich.  Therefore, I cannot be poor.   

Categories: Devotional
1 : 00 AM

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