Numbers 23:13-26
It has been said that God can do all things. But we have discovered that there is one thing God cannot do …He cannot lie! Yes! It is absolutely impossible for God to lie. It is not in His character. His nature does not permit lying. When He talks, it is without ambiguity. He says what He means. He means what He says. He stands by what He says to perform it.
God is not a man. He can’t take back His words. When He says a thing, there is a power back-up to accomplish. Man can say a thing and take it back for various reasons. He may be a liar by nature or not have the ability to bring what he says to pass or circumstances may prevent him. Not so with God.
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth.
It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish
that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
When God speaks, there is a power back-up to bring it to pass. Nothing can restrain the word. We are therefore confident that what God has spoken concerning you this year shall come to pass. Nothing can stop it. God declares that in this year, you shall flourish. Because God can not lie, it shall come to pass. You shall surely flourish. You shall see manifestations of His promise. His grace and favour shall override all obstacles to your flourishing in this fourth month of the year; you shall see the fulfilment of His Word in your life.
MEDITATION: The Word prevails.