January 11, 2025

LUKE 5:1-11

            Often times, the word of God appears to be in conflict with our experiences and human qualifications.  Take this story for instance.  Simon and his partners were experts at their calling.  They knew all the tricks when it came to the matter of catching fish.  They did all they could, but they could not catch fish.  They knew the best time and the most likely place the fish could be caught, but they found none.  Then they gave up and were washing their nets having closed for the day.  And here comes a novice in fishing asking Simon to launch into the dip for a catch!  Where and at what time of the day?  You don’t catch fish by the bank nor at that time of the day.  They told Jesus they have applied their best methods to no avail but they would try “nevertheless at his word”!

            Beloved, this is the key.  Where your worldly methods have failed to deliver, the word will.  Your academic qualifications and training may dictate otherwise, but go where the word says you should and do what it says.  The word prevails when the world fails.  It has been emphasized over and over before; the word is spirit and life.  It has the ability to bring about what has been decreed.  Believe it and act on it.

            We are now in a prophetic season.  Various Words had gone ahead in respect of this New Year full of promises from the Lord.  Do not just believe the word.  Do it.  That is your secret for exploits this year of Endless Possibilities.  It may be an instruction.  Obey it for that is the direction you need in New Year.  It may be a warning: keep to it for therein lies your safety. The word is the refuge this year. Every other thing may fail, but the Word endures and prevails. Whatever the situation, just hold on to the word.


PRAYER:      Dear Lord, speak for your servant hears.

Categories: Devotional
1 : 00 AM

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