March 14, 2025


Joshua 13:1-7

 “When Joshua had grown old, the Lord said to him, ‘You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over.’” — Joshua 13:1

Israel was at a turning point. Joshua is now older, and although many battles have been won, there is still land that yet to be fully claimed. Instead of instructing Joshua to continue the conquest, God directs him to begin dividing the land among the tribes, promising that He will continue to fulfill His promise to give Israel the land. This message is one of hope and assurance: God will complete what He began, even if we don’t see the end ourselves.  Here are some few lessons

  • God’s plans often go beyond our lifetime: Joshua might not have seen every part of the land settled, but he trusted that God’s promises would carry on. Sometimes, we may only see part of God’s work in our lives, but His plans often extend beyond our own time and understanding.
  • Persevere in Faith and Obedience: Joshua was faithful to God’s call throughout his life, and he continued to follow God’s instructions even in his old age. God calls us to keep walking in faith, knowing He will take care of what we cannot complete ourselves.
  • Rely on God’s provision in every season: God’s instruction to divide the land, even before all of it was conquered, was a reminder that He would provide for each tribe. God’s provision is always enough for each season, even when we don’t yet have everything we’re hoping for.

In times of waiting or uncertainty, focus on God’s provision for today. Thank Him for what He has already provided and trust that He will continue to meet your needs.

PRAYER: “Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness and the promises You have given me. Help me to trust You, even when I can’t see the full picture.

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